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Definition: Optimized (Measurable)

An industry leader of cloud strategy, definition, and execution. This organization operates and behaves like a mature managed services provider with well-defined standards, support services, operational tooling, governance, and economic metrics mapped to business processes.

Typical Attributes:

  • Robust Cloud-First Strategy
  • Single Resource Pool of Cloud Experts within the Organization
  • Efficient Use of Cloud Services Mapped to Critical Business Processes
  • Highly Skilled Cloud Team Organizational Structure
  • IT Governance and Broker of All Things Cloud Maturity
  • Executing Business Transformation Initiatives with Cloud
  • Cloud Services Management and Service Brokering Tools Completely Optimized
  • DevOps Tools Fully Optimized

What else can you do?

As your organization is ramping up consumption across a variety of cloud-aware applications and platforms, now is the time to build programmatic structure for governance, operational excellence, security integration, and supportability across your portfolio. Data Intensity is offering you the expertise and guidance for building, deploying, and supporting applications on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (IaaS/PaaS/SaaS). You will be able to choose from one of the three (3) offers to accelerate your cloud journey.

  •   OCI Design Workshop
  •   OCI Roadmap
  •   OCI Accelerator Program

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