Remove the Spooky: Oracle Workloads on Azure

A review of the multitude of perceived complications surrounding a winning Oracle on Azure strategy

IT decision-makers can be apprehensive when deciding whether Azure is the correct cloud for Oracle workloads. Data Intensity’s Global Azure Alliance Lead, Danny Keating unveils the truth to remove the ‘spooky’…read on.

‘How do I remove the spooky?’ ‘Who does that, and why?’ Those were the first two questions I asked when I embarked on the journey to take Data Intensity’s Oracle to Azure Safe-Switch Methodology to the Oracle install base.

Perceived complications, lacking validity, have been presented as blockers to customer adoption of Azure for Oracle. With or without a clear Azure strategy, many voice reticence and reluctance to choose Azure for Oracle.

Most of the phantom barriers are based either on a fear of a href=””>Oracle licensing and support hitches, or on a perception that Oracle will be more expensive running in an alternate cloud environment. Sadly, it is assumed by many that, for some reason, technically, Azure just isn’t going to be able to cope with complex Oracle workloads.

Data Intensity first migrated an Oracle EBS platform to Azure in 2017 and, ever since, has seen a steady increase in cloud customer interest. Workloads migrated have included typical challenges, however there have been no migration ‘failures’ or performance degradation. In fact, most workload migrations have led to a significant performance increase. License issues have not arisen, but, instead, Data Intensity has reduced licensing obligations by 30-40% for the majority of accounts. In addition to our tested Safe-Switch Methodology, the Oracle-Azure interoperability partnership now ensures fully supported and certified processes for hosting Oracle products and services on the platform of your choice.

Leading businesses reserve the right to choose the most appropriate cloud platform for any workload with the knowledge that the expert advice and direction they receive is both correct and genuine. Rather than advocate that all Oracle users must choose one platform, whether Azure or OCI, Data Intensity informs IT to remove the fear and uncertainty surrounding these decisions, allowing our customer to make the best choice. The right platform for the right workload, aligned with your business strategy and cloud strategy, is the key criteria.

For any cloud partner, it comes down to a true customer-satisfaction obsession, a willingness to investigate the possibility that another option could be better and an openness to envision how alternatives can shape and advance transformation without costing a fortune or ending in a failure. 2020 has highlighted that now, more than ever, decision-makers must consider the full picture. I am grateful to be on this journey, on a wider path, with them.

I recently talked with Microsoft’s Oracle on Azure Engineer Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman and Oracle Practice Lead Biju Thomas about managing migration from Oracle to the Azure cloud — listen to the CloudFirst podcast episode here. Our conversation is enlightening.

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